Saturday, November 19, 2011

Eat More Fat to Lose Fat

Eat More Fat to Lose Fat

By Laura Hix

If your ready to turn your body into a fat burning furnace and your trying to figure out how reduce abdominal fat in order to get that sexy midsection you must start eating fat. This may be against everything you've ever been taught, but if you're reading this, you obviously haven't been doing what is needed to effectively burn fat. If you're ready to learn how fat helps burn fat, let's get started.

Learn How To Lose Fat

You must first understand the difference between good fats and bad fats. Not all fat is bad. Fat got an ugly name back when the low fat diet came out. This diet didn't distinguish between good and bad fats. It just wrapped all fats into one and called them bad. WRONG!
Good fats come from sources such as fish, nuts, seeds, cold pressed nut oil, extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, just to name a few. These types of fats allow the body to burn more fat efficiently. They help in balancing our hormone levels and can actually decrease insulin levels when consumed with carbohydrates.
You can consume a low carb diet and supplement it with the high fat diet. If you're looking for answers on how reduce abdominal fat, this is key. You may say that if you go on a low carb diet that your energy will crash and you won't have any motivation to exercise or do other daily activities. This just isn't the case because adding good fats to your diet will actually help your metabolism to stay high because it won't have to dedicate wasted energy to other organs of the body which are constantly be overworked on a bad diet. This extra energy will be used to burn excess body fat instead of being wasted elsewhere. Many even experience more energy on a high fat/low carb diet because they don't experience the carbohydrate crashes.
The next question you may have is what about the fats in protein sources such as meats, poultry, and dairy. These types of foods are allowed but they should definitely be used sparingly. I would always suggest opting for the leaner meats when keeping these in your diet. This will take a bit of lifestyle change, but it will definitely be worth it in the end.
So, to sum things up...Eat more fat to burn fat. In your search for how reduce abdominal fat in order to get that sexy, ripped midsection, remember it only takes a little extra good fat to burn that unwanted bad fat.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Lose Fat: Fat Loss Techniques That Work

How to Lose Fat: Fat Loss Techniques That Work

By Darragh Holland

Most of us have a desire to learn fat loss techniques, and how to recognize when we have achieved that loss. Fat is something that can pull a person down if it gets out of hand. The healthy person has some amount of fat on their body in order to provide padding, insulation as well energy storage. Without some fat on the body, a person is not going to be healthy.

How To Lose Fat

However, many people today have too much of this necessary element hanging onto their thighs, bellies, and other places of the body. For those who are in a hurry to lose a certain amount of fat from strategic places, there really is hope. Learning fat loss techniques will allow the motivated individual to meet their goals without sacrificing health.
The best techniques for losing fat will always include a combination of tactics. They will include stepping up their exercise routine, as well as using diet in order to accomplish their goal for fat loss. Fat loss can also take place when you use certain drugs or supplements, but most of the time when drugs are used it is not as successful because once you return to your normal eating habits and leave the drugs alone, the fat will return with a vengeance.
By using the right techniques for fat loss, an individual will be able to increase muscle mass while at the same time reducing the amount of fat that is on the body. How to fat loss techniques typically use some type of meal planning guide that will help the individual increase their rate of metabolism while reducing the amount of calories that are taken in. This is a good way to begin any diet, but if you are going to be successful for the long term, you really want to know how to maintain that loss.
Fat loss is often accomplished through a well designed diet that eliminates what some call white carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are any that can be turned white or are already white. These foods consist of rice, bread, potatoes, cereal, pasta, and fried foods that have a breading on them. The simple tactic of avoiding any food that is white is the best way to go when you want to lose fat even though it is perfectly all right to eat them within an hour and half completing a workout that involved resistance training that lasts for 20 minutes or longer.
Many of the most successful how to fat loss programs involve dieters who are committed to eating the same types of meals in different combinations over an extended period of time. Such a diet would include the same ingredients, but they do not have to be the same old boring meals over and over one more time.
Here is a list of ingredients that will contribute to helping you reach your goals of fat loss. Fat is not the enemy though, it is the over abundance of it.
Chicken thigh or breast
Egg whites
Occasional whole egg to add flavor
Organic grass fed beef
Pinto beans
Black beans
Mixed vegetables
The carbs in these foods are considered to be slow carbs and are an excellent addition to any diet that is intended to help with fat loss. Fat should never be a big part of your diet, but you should have a small amount of it in order to promote good health.
When you are preparing your menu, you should keep the recipes simple. Just pick a few of the recipes that you like the most and stick with them, changing up the seasonings if you like, but keep it as simple as you can. Even when you are eating at a restaurant, you can order vegetables in place of a baked potato or fries to prevent eating the wrong types of carbs.
It is critical that when you want to learn as much as you can about fat loss techniques that you remember to eat enough calories so that you will not lose your energy. This can effectively be done by consuming the suggested legumes for their high caloric count. You need the calories to retain energy, but you have to be careful about the kind of calories you are eating.
Another great thing about how to fat loss routines is that you should take a day off each week so that you will not burn out, and you will be able to satisfy your taste buds.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

3 Key Elements to Lose Fat Quickly

3 Key Elements to Lose Fat Quickly

Losing weight and getting in shape is something on the minds of many people all over the world. We are bombarded each day with messages about how overweight people are and how much junk food we eat. In large part, those messages are true and are something that many people need to start taking more seriously. There are many different weight loss and diet products on the market, but they all have a fatal flaw: they are not sustainable. They might help people how to lose fat quickly, but they do not help people build habits that can last them the rest of their lives. There are three key elements to truly losing fat: building more muscle, eating healthy, and cardio exercise.

Learn How To Lose Fat Naturally

Building more muscle is a key component to lose fat quickly because the more muscle a person has, the higher their metabolic rate will be throughout the day. This means that more calories and fat can be burned with more muscle mass on the body. Nobody needs to go out and try to look like Mr. Universe. All anyone needs are a few simple workouts to do at their local gym or even at home. Starting with core exercises like the bench press, squat, lunge, bicep curl and tricep press is a great way to get into the swing of things. Once a good base has been built up, then more advanced exercises can be added.
A healthy diet is a must for people that are looking to lose weight. Shopping around the outside of the grocery store is the first tip that people need to follow to lose weight quickly. The outside of the store is where all the whole foods are sold. These are foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Buying fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats are really the only foods that a person should be putting into their bodies.
Finally, cardio exercise is the third component to lose fat quickly. We have all heard the speech about getting thirty minutes of exercise three times per week, but to truly get in shape, we have to go beyond that. Swimming, cycling, and brisk walking are all excellent outdoor cardio exercises that everyone can do. These exercises have little impact on the body which is always good. There are also many machines at any health club that make for great workouts. Having a plan and sticking to it is the best way to make sure these become life long habits.
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