Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Lose Fat on the Stomach

How To Lose Fat On The Stomach

How to lose fat on the stomach is a question commonly asked. Fortunately there are some simple reasons why this problem has occurred in the first place. The belly is one of the most common places for excess fat to be deposited. Luckily there is something you can do about it.

When looking at how to fix this problem you need to consider what you are going to do to burn off the fat. The most reliable methods for this problem are a change in diet and exercise. While both will help you to achieve fantastic results, many people have gotten great results from a diet alone.

How to Lose Fat on the Stomach the Fastest

While you do want to lose weight quickly to give yourself encouragement to keep going, you need to be careful of trying to lose weight too fast. It is important to remember that making it too much focused on a race or trying to lose as much weight as fast as possible can lead you to do dangerous things.

Concentrating on how to lose fat on the stomach so it is quick, gradual and a sustained loss is quite achievable without resorting to anything that is going to put your health in danger, just for potentially faster loses. Making permanent changes that you can maintain is better for your health and what you want to achieve.
Review to Pick Up The Company For How to Lose Fat How to Lose Fat on the Stomach at Home
It is quite possible for you to lose fat on the stomach at home and you don't even need to go to a gym in most cases. Many programs involve a restructuring of the diet, while others do involve exercise as well. However this exercise can typically be done at home or the items used substituted for those at home.

While some people might get better results from a system that uses dietary changes and exercise this depends on many things such as the person and the program. The effectiveness of programs that are only diets should not be diminished as these can be very effective weight loss tools. They also mean that as a result of eating healthier your overall health will improve and the majority of them are quite sustainable.

How to Lose Fat on the Stomach So It Doesn't Come Back
Whenever attempting any method of how to lose fat on the stomach it should be considered how sustainable it is. It is not going to be very worthwhile if it is a plan than can only be maintained for a couple of weeks and then you find yourself returning to your original patterns. So the weight loss plan should be difficult but not too difficult.

By selecting a plan that you think you can stick with and maintain for the long term you can make a real difference in your health. It should also be thought about though that if you can sustainably maintain the weight loss plan this is how you can really create a pattern of how to lose fat on the stomach.

I know many people find it hard to get rid of stomach fat. What are you going to do if you think you might be one of those people.

Having fat in the midsection of the body is one of the greatest risk factors for heart disease. So its time to do something about it! The quicker you can safely reduce your weight the better for your health so check out the Quickest Way To Lose Weight.

Unfortunately fat isn't just limited to one part of your body often you will find that you have fat on your upper body as well and it may be worth seeing if you can do something about How to Lose Fat in Man Breast.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Glen_Farmer

Sunday, September 25, 2011

How To Lose Fat Quickly in 10 Simple Steps

How To Lose Fat Quickly in 10 Simple Steps

Here with a short check list for you on how to lose fat quickly. Because there definitely is a right way and a wrong way to go about this, and the wrong way will bring on painfully slow results only, if any. This is a major reason for failed weight loss attempts. But I got you covered!;-) Just use any or all of these tips any time and quick weight loss will result.

How To Lose Fat

Organic Coffee and Green Tea: A big energy kick for training, appetite suppressing and healthy to boot! Phyto nutrients/anti oxidants. So these beverages help by energizing, cutting appetite and improving your health... not too shabby, really really good!;-)
Fat Burning Supplements: Turmeric/Curcumin is your best friend: about 3x 5-10 gram daily are recommended. This is one healthy and a powerful fat burning agent!
No more Calories 4 hours before bed. This will increase the fat burning hormonal response. You don't need nor want any calories at night!
Delay your breakfast by 3 hours. Same for the hormonal response, and both the 4 hours in the evening and the 3 in the morning together will increase the over-night fast to nearly twice the time! That's JUST what you want!;-)
Try some Interval Training: My HITT+LIIT-System: 30 seconds on, 2 minutes off, repeat. Extremely effective! This will also help to increase the fat burning hormonal response and shape you up real nice!;-)
Eat cruciferous vegetables regularly These are the healthiest foods on earth, AND assist directly in the weight loss process.
Add high fiber foods into your diet, like beans and lentils They'll help keep you full and bind harmful, fattening substances in your body. Net result: improved weight loss!
Add extra fiber to your foods. For example a mixed fiber supplement, or Psyllium husk, or Spelt Bran are all good. They do the same thing as the beans and crucifers, only you get even more of the same. Just make sure to increase water intake with the upped fiber intake.
Try a low carbohydrate diet short term for really fast weight loss results. All you have during this period are smart fats and protein. Not recommendable for to long, but 2-4 weeks is alright.
DO short term fasting. This is actually really healthy, plain good for you and not dangerous at all. Plus it will obviously light speed your fat burning efforts.

Learn How to Lose Fat Naturally

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6089682

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How To Lose Fat, How To Lose Pounds, And Get Your Perfect Body

How To Lose Fat, How To Lose Pounds, And Get Your Perfect Body Without Crazy Diet And Exercise

A UCLA medical study shows that up to 66% of people who lose weight by dieting gain it all back, and then some. Don't be a part of this statistic. No permanent, healthy, effective weight loss plan requires you to drastically restrict your eating or caloric intake. Renowned fitness trainers and nutritionists agree that it is the food you eat that will account for 80% of your weight loss, with exercise only accounting for 20%. Nowhere in there is there any mention of restrictive, extreme fad diets. Learn how to stop dieting, stop killing yourself at the gym, and start debunking a lot of myths about weight loss that have actually been keeping you away from your weight loss goals instead of bringing you closer to them. I will share with you how to lose pounds, how to lose fat, and get the perfect body for you without extreme diet and exercise regimens.

How To Burn Fat

First and foremost, our bodies need nutrition from a variety of sources in order to properly function at their highest potential. This means we need to eat proteins, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and we need to eat fats and carbohydrates not only to be healthy but also to lose weight. If you don't eat fat, your body will hold on to the fat it already has, and you will not lose fat. As far as carbs are concerned, a carb is not a carb. By that I mean that certain types of carbs can cause sudden increases in your blood sugar, which in turn triggers your body to store fat, but eating the right types of carbs helps burn fat because they don't cause sudden spikes in your blood sugar. So for your own sake, say goodbye to all of those low carb, no fat diets that will only prove to be temporary solutions, if that.
If you really want to know how to lose fat and how to lose pounds, you also have to understand some basic facts about how our metabolisms work. Lots of diets mandate that you cut massive amounts of calories from your diet. Once you do this, two things happen. Your body is a smart machine that will not expend more energy than it has to, so when you drastically cut calories, your metabolism will adjust accordingly and slow down. Also, your body will enter "starvation mode" and will hold on to fat, realizing it is not getting enough food. Aside from being ineffective, drastic calorie cutting is not feasible or practical for the long term, and can cause binge eating later, which often leaves people worse off than they would have been had they not begun a diet in the first place.
Well, there you have it. You now understand more about how the body works and you know how to lose pounds and how to lose fat effectively and safely. You can have the perfect body for you without crazy diets or exercise. It all comes down to not starving yourself, not taking weight loss pills, and not wasting time and energy working out if you're just going to negate your efforts by eating the wrong things later or not eating enough of the right things. Taking into account these tips is a great starting point. It is up to you what you do with them. Know that you can achieve your weight loss goals once and for all through proper diet and nutrition.
The secret to losing weight is to eat! It doesn't matter how many times you've failed in the past, all that matters is what you do from this point forward. Know that you are not alone and you can reach your weight loss goals if you take proper action. Now that you know that you need to eat to lose weight, find out what fats, carbs, and foods you need to eat to accelerate your weight loss, lose pounds, and lose fat.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6212318

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How To Lose Fat Without Diet Pills

How To Lose Fat Without Diet Pills

Wondering how to lose fat without diet pills? No doubt the ads and commercials have you thinking that you don't stand a chance without the "powerful formulas" offered by infomercial and internet. Don't feel bad, the best marketing minds in the world are pushing your buttons but don't fall for it. When it comes to weight loss, short cuts rarely make for lasting change.

When you diet, that is you set a goal and lay out a plan to consume fewer calories than you burn, you want to give up fat, not lean muscle mass. Most diets, and most dieters, end up throwing the baby out with the bath water by being to focused on gross calories and the scale.

Learn How To Lose fat

How To lose fat with out diet pills you will want to make sure you don't fall victim to the most common mistakes made by people who are overweight obese.


Drink enough fluids. Water promotes healthy digestion and it is the vehicle to transport waste and toxins. Fat is water soluble and you want to make sure you give it every opportunity to make its exit. Not all fluids are created equal. Include plenty of water. Herbal tea is also a great way to hydrate and support metabolism. Avoid soft drinks, regular or diet, and juices often have a lot of added sugar. Even sports drinks are sugar bombs.

As a rule, drink about one-half your weight in ounces daily. Eating fruits and vegetables also helps with hydration plus they have the added benefit of fiber and key nutrients.


Include enough quality protein in your diet. Lean muscle burns more calories than fat. Make sure you are giving your body what it needs because if you don't your body will start to self-consume protein from lean muscles to support organs and connective tissues Most men need around 150 grams of protein a day and most women about 100. Your needs will depend on your current BMI and a wellness coach can help you figure it out. The American Dietetic Association recommends about one-half of your daily protein intake come from animal sources like meat, fish, poultry and dairy and the other half from plant sources like beans and grains.


Eat regularly. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, slows metabolism. That first morsel of food in the morning is what flips the switch on your furnace, your metabolism, and gets it revving up for the day ahead. Quality protein at each meal along with whole foods will keep it working hard.

Don't Rely On Your Scale

Whichever approach you take, meal replacement shakes, prepackaged meals or careful meal planning, knowing these basic steps will help you to lose fat without diet pills. To check your progress don't rely only on your scale. Use a tape measure as well. If you are creating a healthy deficit between what you eat and what you burn and you are getting enough healthy protein, you are going to add lean muscle mass as you lose fat.

A pound is a pound, but an inch is about a pound as well. By volume, muscle weighs twice as much as fat. Tracking your inch loss along with your weight loss will paint a clear picture of what you are actually accomplishing.

For example, when I got started, I lost "35 pounds in six weeks". That's not typical but it's what happened in my case. However it's not the whole story. I lost 35 pounds, but I also lost over 14" over-all. That's 14 pounds of fat. So what really happened is I lost 49 pounds of fat and added 7 pounds of lean muscle. I trimmed without the flabby skin that often results for someone middle-aged like me.

You don't need diet pills to lose weight and I suggest that they will not promote healthy, lasting weight loss. Deciding on a healthy plan and then supporting it with healthy habits will lead to the long-term results you had in mind when you decided to lose weight.

Tom Bradley lives in Provo, Utah and came to wellness and weight loss out of necessity but has hung around from passion. Tom's straight-ahead approach to wellness and nutrition to promote weight management and healthy aging is the simple solution for the trend of growing world obesity and chronic illness.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6115995

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How To Lose Fat - A Few Common Guidelines

Learn How To Lose Fat

The question how to lose fat has become a very important issue for health conscious men and women. But how to go about this has been rather confusing due to the availability of plenty of guides and materials available through different sources. Many people have become desperate for reducing weight. Then question arises what to do? Following tips will facilitate in losing your fat in a quicker way.

How To Lose Fat

1) You should be clear by your intention as to what you exactly want. That means you need to have clarity of vision and planning of how you would like to see yourself and in what figure. You may also have an ideal figure in your mind say a sports personality or a film personality.

2) Then of course you need to set a time line by which you desire to reduce certain amount of weight and make note that in your weight loss journal.

3) Then the step comes when you need to decide what you should eat and what you should not eat. To decide this you need to learn what foods are good for you and what foods are bad. There are web sites where you can find out the value of food calories and the requirements of daily body calories for reduction of body weight. Then decide which foods you are going to eat and write down the individual and total calories for each day of the week in your weight loss journal.

4) There is a general guideline that one should eat no more calories per day than his or her body weight multiplied by ten. This being a general guideline, one should consult a nutritionist.

5) Go through the list of foods that you should not eat and make a list of those foods. Since these may have been in your regular diet, in your search for how to lose fat do not ignore these foods all together. Rather find some good alternatives. For this research you can find some popular books on oil-free, calorie-free and fat-free recipes to find a healthier solution. For example instead of taking red meat take chicken or fish, similarly instead of carbonated drinks take pure fresh juice (not packaged one) or better yet plain filtered water.

6) Be conscious of the quantity of permissible foods you eat. When you are eating nuts, for example, do not eat bowl full of that rather take a small quantity as in a small handful. Another important aspect of any how to lose fat program is to eat the food slowly and chew it properly.

7) One overlooked piece of advice is to eat enough fiber that is required by your body. Because fiber not only makes your digestive system work properly but also helps reduce cholesterol and speeds up toxin removal from your system.

8) Consume enough water to keep your body properly hydrated. The statistics say that somewhere around 75% of people in the US are dehydrated every day. Proper hydration comes from drinking plain water. Coffee, tea and sodas do nothing but dehydrate the human body.

9) Proper exercise is part of any good weight reduction plan and should be done under the guidance of an expert physical trainer. At least regular walking for 30-45 minutes is a must. Do not forget to have proper sleep every night and drink plenty of filtered water.

10) Reviewing your progress you make in your how to lose weight program should be done on a regular interval but not every day or even weekly. If you check to often you will have days or weeks when you will see no progress and may feel like quitting. It's normal to have times when there is no noticeable progress. Just keep a good record when you do measure and weigh and you will see how far you have come in your journey.

One has to maintain strict discipline in maintaining the above guidelines to attain the desired level of weight loss through any how to lose fat program.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6539474

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weight Loss Program: Tips to Consider

Natural Weight Loss Program

Signing into a weight loss program without mentally preparing yourself is mere suicide. The greatest challenge when engaging in this intense workout is being mentally prepared. Although most of the trainings is more on physical building, there are other aspects of the training that needs to be considered as well. If you are thinking of signing up on weight loss training then you need to know what I have to say. These thoughts may or may not convince you in the process but I am quite sure you will learn things that will really play a big part as you undergo the training.

Click How To Lose Fat Naturally

1. Most weight loss programs are intense from the first day of training up to the end. That is why it is important to start shaking of those cobwebs a week or two before starting with the program. You can do this by scheduling a morning exercise or later in the afternoon.

2. Do not commit on something you cannot achieve in your current condition. When you decide to do exercises or follow a routine make sure to designate a plan that you think you can follow. When you get too excited and overdo yourself the result could be that you tend to be lazy the next day.

3. When you come up with a plan about your daily routine be specific on what you will be doing. If you plan to do cardiovascular exercises, then decide on what you think will be the best available means for you. Is it ideal to buy fitness equipment? Or are you available for everyday outdoor running? This way you can estimate the amount of work you will invest and the time you are willing to commit.

4. Socialize with people who are also engaged in the program. This way you are able to share experiences and you may be able to learn from each other's mistakes.

5. When you finally decide to take on the weight loss program make sure that you seal the door behind you and develop a personality that should aid you to succeed in losing weight. Make sure that your mind is fix on achieving your goal and do not allow any form of distraction to take over.

6. When you fail to meet the program for a single day, let's say you happen to be at a party and you ate too much. Do not quickly give up on your goals. It is natural to feel guilty but tomorrow will always be another day to make up with your mistakes and learn.

Going through a weight loss program is not all about physical strength. It is also important to prepare yourself and plan ahead before taking further actions. If you want to succeed in your goal, you must pay the price in order to get physically fit.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6523189

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How to Lose Fat - Quickly

Learn How To Lose Fat

When it comes to how to lose fat quickly there are a lot of theories out there, but many of them are not accurate. For instance, a lot of people think that cardio is the best way to lose fat and that by going on a starvation, low fat or low carb diet they are going to drop the fat and get the body they want. Actually, though, these things aren't the best way to get rid of excess fat. Here are some tips on how to lose fat.

One of the first things that you need to understand is that there is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat. When you lose weight you can also be losing lean muscle and water weight along with fat.

Lose Fat Naturally

That's just not going to get you the body you want. Not only that, but typically when you have lost just muscle and water it is much more difficult to keep the weight off once you go back to a normal lifestyle. That's why it is so important to focus your efforts on specifically losing fat instead of just losing weight.

One of the biggest myths about how to lose fat is that cardio is the best exercise for fat loss. While cardio is important, strength training is actually more important in regards to losing fat. See, lean muscle requires a lot more energy for your body to maintain than fat does, and your body provides that energy to your muscles by burning calories.

That means that the more lean muscle you have on your body the more calories you are going to burn all the time - not just when you are exercising. By adding lean muscle mass to your body you will boost your metabolism and turn your body into a calorie burning machine.

A lot of women worry that adding muscle to their bodies is going to make them bulk up or get larger. Actually, though, this isn't the case. Instead, by building lean muscle you will get a sleek, toned look like you see the models and celebrities have.

To start building muscle and losing fat you should add strength training to your workout routine several times a week. To get the most bang for your buck try focusing your strength training efforts on the largest muscle groups in your body like your legs and your backside. Squats and lunges are great for this.

Along with adding strength training to your routine you should also follow a diet specifically geared toward fat loss rather than weight loss. Starvation diets, low fat diets and low carb diets don't work to help you lose fat. In fact, often times these diets can make it harder for you to lose weight because they don't provide your body with enough calories and your metabolism slows down to compensate.

Natural Way is the best way to Lose Wight. Learn How to Lose Fat Naturally

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/812661

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to Lose Fat Off Your Belly Fast - 3 Powerful Tips to Get an Amazing Flat Stomach More Quicker!

How Lose Fat Naturally

Are you struggling with excess fat around your tummy? Here's 3 extraordinary tips on how to lose fat off your belly fat fast, easy, and consistently:

1.) Get More Fiber - Fiber (complex carbohydrates) is a very important nutrient if you want to remove stubborn fat. This is because it will help improve your digestive system (which will remove bloating), it will increase your metabolism, and it will naturally detoxify your body. Some good foods I recommend that are high in fiber are whole grains, beans, and dark green veggies (such as broccoli or spinach).

How To Lose Fat Naturally

2.) Eat More Frequently (But With A Twist) - I'm pretty sure that you have heard by now that you should eat more frequently through out the day if you want to speed up fat loss and weight loss. However, if you do so with a special technique, you will melt away fat even more faster.

This is what I recommend: Firstly, make sure that you ALWAYS eat breakfast, secondly, I recommend for you to eat 4-5 smaller meals through out the day, and thirdly (here's the twist), I recommend for you to shift the calories around from the meals you eat. There's a program to help you with this fully, but basically what you are doing is alternating the pattern of when you eat different types of nutrients. This works incredibly well since our bodies become acclimated to our daily eating patterns, and once you break this pattern, it sends your metabolic rate to the next hemisphere! This dieting technique made a HUGE impact on my body transformation (I'll tell how much I lost in a second).

3.) High Intensity Workouts - There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing low intensity exercises (walking, jogging, etc.). However, if you need to lose fat off your belly fast and also drop a lot of weight, then that type of exercise is just not going to cut it. Higher intensity exercises on the other hand will melt away flab right much quicker... even while you sleep (high intensity workouts increase your resting metabolic rate)! The reason this type of exercise works so well overall is because it increases your metabolism quite significantly. Some examples are sprints, increasing the intensity on an elliptical or treadmill, playing sport activities (tennis, basketball, racquetball, etc.).

Now, what did those 3 tips do for me? Well, I easily, quickly, and permanently dropped 52 pounds and got a flatter stomach in 8 weeks! If you stay consistent, you too can get the body of your dreams in no time just as well!

Want to Melt Away Belly Fat FAST and lose 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

You Can Learn Here More How To Lose Fat or How To Burn Fat Naturally

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4579026

Monday, September 5, 2011

3 Tips on How to Lose Fat Arms Fast

3 Tips on How to Lose Fat Arms Fast

I am about to give you 3 very easy tips on how to lose fat arms. They are simple and anyone can do them. They will make the process of how to lose fat arms much clearer for you. If you are tired of having to much fat hanging from around your arms, then the information here will help you for sure.

The first tip is knowing that your arms, much like the rest of the body, cannot lose fat while the rest of your body contains excess fat. What that means is, you cannot just simply work out your arms and lose weight there while you have excess fat in your stomach and legs. Losing weight just does not happen that way.

Learn How To Lose Fat

What you can do is make a plan to lose weight overall and focus on your arms. By doing this you insure that your arms will be thin and firm after weight loss. So make a weight loss plan and stick to it. Remember to work out your arms regularly during the plan however.

The second tip on how to lose fat arms is all about food. If you want to lose fat arms, you are not going to be able to eat fast food everyday. Really, there is no need to, there are many healthy foods that are delicious. Try eating tuna fish. Many people enjoy eating tuna fish and it is very healthy. You have to cut down on fats and carbs.

You do not however, want to get rid of fats and carbs all together. They are important for energy. Just make sure you cut back to an acceptable level.

The third and final tip on how to lose fat arms is having a good cardio workout. Try walking or running. Not to much in the beginning. Just enough to feel like you had a good workout. Increase your distance slightly over time. You should have at least 3 cardio workouts a week.

You would be amazed at how easy it to lose weight if you stick to these concepts. It really is as easy as that. If you really want to lose weight and work hard, there is absolutely nothing stopping you. It is your life and you deserve to live it the way you want to.

I hope this article helped you learn how to lose fat arms. The whole point of weight loss is to help you enjoy your life as much as possible.

Visit Here For More Information How To Lose Fat 

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1532058

Saturday, September 3, 2011

How To Lose Fat Easily And Keep It Off

How to Lose Fat

Hello I will be blunt with you, how long have you been on a diet to lose weight and how many times have you given up? If you are like me then the answer would be many times. I have always been a yo-yo dieter and have never stuck to just one thing or even kept up with the program. What then is the problem here and what would be the answer?

Firstly I know that a good support network is vital to your overall success, I tried to involve people but always they would back out. I know that with the correct support you can keep going for a lot longer. This is normal in a lot things we choose to do. In the short term almost everyone will be keen as mustard to give it a go and lose a load of weight fast. The keyword here is fast, once people lose the initial few kilograms then it all starts to slow down. One thing we need to do is understand our body and what makes it tick. Going right back basics, and this is the interesting but simple stuff, our ancestors did not have our modern scourge of obesity, in fact you only have to go back a few generations to see the growth, quite literally, in girth.

Learn How to Lose Fat

This is because we are quite simply eating the wrong foods and also not burning off the foods that we do eat. In the old days people lived on natural foods and only ate what they needed without the need for all the wasteful fatty foods we have now. Keeping your diet simple and basic will enable you to lose weight and although this is not a fast fat burning diet it is a slow burning diet that will become a way of life. This leads us to the next and often most important aspect of losing weight.

Motivation. How often do you start something with all the gusto of somebody who has bought a lottery ticket and cannot wait for the big draw. I have done this and then once the fanfare is over and the numbers are drawn, I usually lose interest. This is true of dieting, it can be all too hard looking at it long term which is why a lot of people go for the super fast slim plans and faddy diets that promise much but deliver little.

To conclude It is far better to choose a weight loss plan or regime that you know is realistic and long term. This means it is achievable and you also need to be involved with other people all motivating each other. Team work like this will help each other pull through and lose those pounds of fat in an effective and realistic way. Thus keeping it simple and sticking to natural foods that have been around for thousands of years.

Review To Pick Up The Best Company For How To Lose Fat  or Learn How To Burn fat Naturally
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6201930